
We have created price levels that range from our full line distributor totals to our “Mom and Pop” single stores.

Wholesale + 40% Off

This is typical “distributor pricing,” our largest discount. 

1.40% off only applies to case counts.  Our case counts are usually 8-24, so this is not excessive.  Unfortunately at the slim margin 40% leaves us, we cannot spend warehouse time unpacking and repacking cases. 

Ship these orders to one distribution center.  If we are distributing to your stores/customers, you are not a distributor. 

Maintain an average monthly order amount arranged with your C1R sales rep based on volume that warrants this discount and past sales. 

Wholesale + 35% Off

1.Maintain an average monthly order amount arranged with your C1R sales rep based on your volume and past sales. 

2.You must order online @ for this discount. 

Wholesale + 30% Off

1.Maintain an average monthly order amount arranged with your C1R sales rep based on your volume and past sales. 

2.You must order online @ for this discount. 

Wholesale + 25% Off

This is typical “wholesale pricing.” 

1.For 1 or 2 stores that order on an irregular basis and break cases. 

2.You must order online @ for this discount.